This is a journal of David, Cristita, Andrew and Ashley Rumptz we have lived all over the world.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Happy VD?

Feb 14, 2008

I saw my first camels (one hump not two) on my last trip back from Dubai. I almost stopped the taxi and had him let me get a ride but it was the middle of the desert.

Did I tell you that the pollution in Dubai can kill you?

What about the abandoned car?

So this American woman I am driving with stops for us to get some coffee. She gets out of the car as if she did not leave it running!!! WTF? I have seen people do this for like 15 minutes just leave the car running no thoughts at all about it!

Had my first meeting with my PDIs, It was strange as I am their supervisor. I have not had employees for a long time. It went much better than I had thought. Granted one of the employees is on my hit list. Not that I will act on it and not that I am trying to impose my will but they were way too full of themselves. The other one I thought I would have problems with was very cool. I know tell someone who cares. But still it is weird for me to have employees- very strange.

My boss has been VERY COOL of late. I have started to communicate with my boss by e-mail so that we are constantly communicating and it seems to work. It not that she wants to micro manage she just want to know what I am up to- as she knows what I am doing she is pretty cool about it. I still have some bugs to work out in the whole deal but it is much cooler for me now.

Speaking of working things out I am traveling a few days a week and that is oddly ok with my and the family. I finally broke down and rented a car, well I had work rent me a car. It is a nice car but it STINKS of cigarettes I will need to talk to the rental car company about this when I get back from my latest trip.

Did I tell you about Prince Abu Bu Ali Ahk Ababawa? He is our Persian cat, supposed to cost like a few thousand dollars if not $10,000. We got him because the people who bought him abandoned him at the vet. We got him for $200 my wife is still amazed she paid for a pet. Tita has never in her life paid for one so it was a bit of culture shock when the British lady asked her to cough up the money. No worries he is a blast. I used to live with a really BITCHY Persian so I was prepared for it but it is still strange. I mean our last cats were real easy always wanting affection, did not have time for games, or toys – typical street cats. Now the Prince, he is very different lot of personality- like a typical Persian, very unique. He also sleeps like a human- he stretches out on the bed. The first night we let him sleep with us but he kept licking Tita’s face and then farting to kill- made me proud to be his father. Now we keep him in the kid bedroom. Also he slept between us like one of the kids.

Well I am sorry to send this to you before I have responded to your e-mail individually but it has been a busy week


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