This is a journal of David, Cristita, Andrew and Ashley Rumptz we have lived all over the world.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Highly Qualified Housewife

I am done with Saipan cannot wait until we move. As far as us staying my wife would not mind staying but she is sick of jumping form job to job. Currently we are planing on her being home next year. She will be a Highly Qualified Housewife - instead of a Highly Qualified Teacher!

I went to the funeral for the Korean students who perished while swimming this morning, lots of people were there from all parts of the college there was strong support. I had also gone on Sunday and one of my former students was their because her husband had died. This is a great person who had helped Tita in her first year at Head Start - dare I say got her th job as a favor to me. A woman full of life and spirit totally rude and inappropriate like me! I feel bad for her but her husband had cancer for a while so it might have been for the best for him to be out of pain. So to make sure we showed her support we went to mass that they held for him last night. We talked to her a bit after wards but not much to say.

Again I do not think there is much for us on island but oddly when I was talking to Tita I had mentioned I had though she wanted to settle down here for a bit. She agreed that she had wanted to settle down to the same school the same co-workers and get into a nice routine but now it does not seem possible. Consider even if she does get a job next year it will be 3 jobs in 3 years not exactly stable.

As far as her prospects for next year they look bleaker each passing day- week. One principal did come and talk to her but never called her back another principal said she would but then never did. I guess Tita said that there are 7 teachers from head start without work lined up yet for next year. Well she is done with her masters in December and we can leave then. I would liek to wait until the end of the school year for the children but the job I have kind of lined up in Taiwan might want me then. We shall see.

I would not mind going some other places as well but until the children get older I would like to limit my moves to once every 3 to 4 years. It is really not fair to move so much on them.

As far as Saipan I am done with the place I am getting antsy to move on in my life. It has been a good place for the family but it is time for me to move on.

I would love to work in as many countries as you have but I am young still and have time to move on. How about retirement aren't you worried about that? Or did you save enough to retire? Me I never planed on Social Security but it would be nice to work some where long enough to get a retirement. The trick I am going to try to pull is get hired when I am older and work the minimum year which is usually 10. Who knows I plan to retire in the Philippines anyway so money should not be a huge issue for me. I actually plan not to retire I plan to be like my dad work until I get too sick to work.

As far as life after Faculty Senate- All I can say is I have one now. No one care one bit what I say or do. It is nice. But I do hope the things I had started get finished. It would be a nice legacy.


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