This is a journal of David, Cristita, Andrew and Ashley Rumptz we have lived all over the world.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Shoulder Hurts still

Things have been good here not much to worry about my life is a lot easier now that I am not Faculty Senate President.

Oddly enough I am thinking of applying to be the Director of the Information Technology. For some stupid reason I still think of being in administration. I know the job would totally suck and everyone would bitch at me but… Like I had said I might want to be an administrator one day and this would be an easy entry. Why you ask? Because administrator pay a lot in the USA and there is nothing like experience. I should just realize that with Tita working I do not have to kill myself to put the kids through college. I worry it is what I do!

We got back from Guam on Monday our ride was no where to be found finally had to call and remind them . Guam was nice we traveled around a bit of it and saw things we had not before. It was nice to see that Guam has a non-tourist kind of like Saipan side. Actually kind of wild. If we do get a chance to move to Guam I think Tita will be more into it now that she has seen this part of Guam.

The volcano a few islands up in the chain erupted and the Volcanic Ash/Fog (vog) was really bad for a few days. They canceled public schools one day but they really did not need to and so the college and private school remained open.

The night have been cold here at night even dipping as low as 71! That is a new low for me! And the daytime temperatures are as low as 83! Sunday is forecast to be 79 I have pull out my jeans and turtle neck for that!

The swimming is nice and fun now that I got the Finis swim MP3 player. Lets you listen to music while you swim connected to my goggles. It is a blast!

But the shoulder still acts up a bit I am trying a new swim routine seems to help but I should be better about doing my Physical Therapy - boring! I am hoping that by the change in my swimming my shoulder will get better. Gone are the days of doing 75 yard Butterflies, drag! That bothers me as I had gotten pretty strong in the Butterfly and was thinking of getting it up to 100 Butterflies! Again it is my hope that I will rebuild my shoulder by slowing down. I can always go back to pushing up the exercises once the shoulder is back in shape. I had my sciatic nerve go out while I was in grad school. It took a while but it more or less went back to normal. I am hoping the same thing happens with my shoulder granted I am not 20 anymore!


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