This is a journal of David, Cristita, Andrew and Ashley Rumptz we have lived all over the world.

Friday, March 16, 2007

The Traveling Rumptzes (Again?)

I know I have not bothered you lately and I know you are bummed because of that.. HA HA I have been busy looking for work lately I am worried about the state of this islands finances! I am getting sick of being here too. It is just too small of a place for me and I have stayed for the 4 years I had planed.

I kind of have a Great job offer back in Taiwan. Thing is the guy said he would give me his job once he lands one. I told him I would love the job but I do have to wait a year before I can move as Tita is doing her MA and US Citizenship. She is worried it will be like last time no one will give her a job even with her MA. I think if she goes to a good international school they will hire her. We shall see. The job pays great more than I make now and it comes with a free apartment. It would be a great except I kind of want to go to a new country not back to Taiwan. I want to explore more not go do that over again.

I am looking into places where Tita would get some respect. I hear that in Korea they would be cool I am not sure about that. But top of my list is Australia and New Zeeland Thing is I am having a hard time finding a good job board. So if you know where to look for jobs in those countries let me know.


Did I tell you Tita will be done with her MA in December and she had said she would not mind leaving shortly after that! I was stunned.

Did I tell you we got a job offer in Africa in Tanzania for next year? Well I got an e-mail back from the recruiter saying contact us before we want to move she (the recruiter) did not answer my questions about the cost of moving (who would pay) and salary which is upsetting but she had mentioned that she was busy calling and interviewing people for this upcoming year.

Still before I make any decision about any move I am going to want to know about the salary it is not the defining point but it is a point. I also found an international school in Bien a bit more in the doggy area being near Ivory Coast and all but still a though. And of course there is the Taiwan program. I told you I got an offer to take over a University ESL Program in Taiwan once the person running the program finds a job back in the states.

Tita seems open to anything as long as she is respected I figure she is willing to go there- this is kind of why she does not want to go back to Taiwan. We still have another year here and we will make our decision but she seems more eager to leave than I. I was kind of surprised by this reaction. I had figured she wanted to stop moving around the world.

I know Andrew is not going to be very happy about the move when it does come but he will get over it, I hope. I have to say he has fallen in with a crowd not that I did not at his age but his grades are very wishy washy now. One day he brings home a B+ (one point from an A) one day a F-. This is part of the reason I want to make the move so we can get him into a good school while he can still handle the demands of a good school. If we get a job at a good international school the kids go to school for free or a reduced price at least. I know I was a total goof most of my time at primary and secondary school but I want better for my son and I know he can do it. I have seen him when he pays attention to school I have seen him get good grades. I do not want him to be a total book worm just do well in school. I know he will mature and school will begin to matter to him when he does but I do not want him to have to play catch up. I have told him time and again if he can maintain his grades I do not care what he does but when he starts bringing home low grades his friends are out of the picture.


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