This is a journal of David, Cristita, Andrew and Ashley Rumptz we have lived all over the world.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Budapest City Park Dec 15, 2013

Well I  am getting over my get lag as I woke up at 3 am today! I figure I will be into this time zone two days before we go back to the UAE! No worries as school does not start back up right away after we get back.

     Yesterday we left the kids at the apartment to play on the internet as Andrew’s foot is in bad shape. I think i tis a result of the acne medicine that he is taking. His acne has gotten much better but he has some real trouble spots around his mouth and around his nails. His lips are really dry and always peeling, also the skin near his mouth is in really bad shape. The Dr gave him topical ointment that is a mixture of antibiotics and hydrocortisone and when he uses it 4 times a day his skin is fine but he forgets. As far as his nails are concerned I am making a guess that it is the medicine that is making them act up as he never had theses problems before. He gets it really bad in both his fingers and toes. the dermatologist has two  ingrown toenails but I cannot see that it is not related as some of his fingers are messed up as well. Sorry mom I figure you wanted to know how his acne treatment is going. On the plus side his face is looking great with I would say a 80% to 90% improvement in just a few months (3 months). I am sure he will be finished before he gets back to the states and the best news is that the treatment is about ⅓ the cost of doing it in the USA!

     We are dragging them out today; granted I am going to buy subway tickets. These are not as easy to find as you would think! But I did find a place to buy them yesterday. It means walking about a mile, which seems to be against the point of having a subway but whatever.

So Tita and I headed off to the Budapest City Park to see the sights. The walk up to the park was interesting as it goes through one of the major thoroughfares of Budapest with amazing buildings both in their original dilapidated state and re-gentrified

We ended up at Hero’s Square

To the right of Hero’s Square is the Kunsthalle, which I was told is the modern art museum.
It seems kind of ironic that the modern art museum would be in such a classical building.

Next to the museum they were having a small Christmas Fair, The domed structure (bouncy castle for Santa?) you could not enter and was sponsored by a discount retailer in Europe. I am guessing that they were packing gifts for less fortunate children.  

After we stopped in the modern art museum from some mulled wine a Rumba - run, tea, and spices, which was very good- we headed off to the city ice rink. The city ice rink is huge and has dedicated areas for different levels of ice skaters. As Tita is not an ice skater we decided to view the rink not participate.

The building that you see in the background was out next destination the Vajdahunyad Castle. Of course we stopped on the way to get some more mulled wine and a pretzel. The pretzel was sorely lacking.

Well after this we went to check out the Széchenyi Thermal Bath and get an idea of what you need to bring and what the cost were for entry. Granted I have now forgotten how much it cost, I think it was something like $10 to $20 a person if you bring your own towel. We will take the kids there as we have brought our bathing suits. I am thinking we can go at night time, which here starts at 4:30 pm, and hang out in the steaming baths at “night.”

Speaking of steaming baths on our way home we went by a steaming lake where they were having remote controlled boat races. it was kind of cool.
On the way home we hit a Chinese place for lunch! The food was plentiful and very good, much better than back in the UAE. the fun part was I started speaking the limited Chinese I remembered from Taiwan and the guy just assumed I knew Chinese like a real person. Tita and I did understand the point - he spoke Hungarian but not English.
We got home and hung out for a bit then I got bit with my usual cheap bug! I mean why pay $1.50 for a glass of mulled wine when you can get a bottle of wine and mull it yourself for almost the same price! Andrew joined me on this quest to the grocery store on the next block. I did find some cheap wine that was not to bad tasting and it was in a plastic bottle. Heck let’s be honest most times I buy wine in the UAE I end up using it as cooking wine and it cost almost 10 times the price.  Well it turns out that that grocery store did not sell the spices needed so I dropped Andrew off and set out for the larger store about a kilometer away. Truth be told I was also doing this so I would not go to bed too early. I left the apartment at 4;30 pm and it was as dark out as it was when we arrived at 1:30 am. Let me state that again, it was 4:30 pm when I left and it was as dark as it was going to get! Is this normal in Michigan? It has been a long time since we have lived north of the tropics but I do not remember this. At the store they did not have the individual spices but they did have a spice packet for mulled wine! I figure I will pick up several to take back to the UAE with me. And so we ended the evening - oh yeah it was like 5:30 pm- sipping mulled wine spiced with apples and oranges.

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