This is a journal of David, Cristita, Andrew and Ashley Rumptz we have lived all over the world.

Monday, April 30, 2007

My Space account

I have finally gotten my act together and gotten a My Space account with more of my photos. I am in the process of getting a Yahoo Photos site with tons of pictures too- I do not think you need an account to see those photos, I will let you know. Of course if you want to see the photos My Space makes you create an account- sorry but they all do this. Creating an account should only take a few minutes , unless you are my mom with the old dial up connection. No one lets you share photos without creating an account. Now you have to click on the tiny link below my picture to see the photos.

Some of the photos I have you can only see at my other web site (I cannot find them on my hard drive to put up to the new site)

Well I hope this is easiest for everyone.


Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Passing of Don Rumptz (my Dad)

I regret to inform you that my Dad (Donald Rumptz) passed away at home at 1:10 pm on 4-11-07.

My dad was sick and his health and mind had been declining so I am glad he is out of pain and I am glad my mom does not have to see him get worse.

There will be no funeral and if there is going to be a service it will be with the immediate family. Mom is talking of placing some of his remains (he was cremated) in his mother and fathers graves.

As far as coming back to Michigan it is really a question of do I want to bear with the 24 hour flight 10 hours of time difference and the cold in Michigan to hang out for a week. Then spend another 24 hours on a plane and deal with another 10 time change when I get back.

OK, well I have decided to come to Detroit for the week see details below. I hope to be a help to my mother. As far as I know there is not going to be a service for my farther but a private family (fight over who he loved the most - gave the most money too) err I mean family service - my mother had said this would be held in the summer but this is the only time I can make it back to the Detroit Area for a year.

It would be nice to see as many people as I can in the time I am there between helping her out. This is the first trip I have made back to the area in 4 years and I am guess it will be as long before we return - unless I get a good job.

Sadly Tita and the kids will not be able to make the flight (cost too much).


Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Laderan-Tangke Trail

++ The Laderan-Tangke Trail+++++ this message was written by Steve Vance but I stole it to share+++

Steve and I took the kids on a hike this morning on The Laderan-Tangke Trail a 1.8 mile loop around the area of a cliff face on the northern part of the island. It's really a great hike. Lots of up and down, some of it pretty steep and rocky. Ashley got tired before the end so I carried her on his back part of the time- but she made most of the hike on her own- very impressive for a 6-year-old.

We heard lots of birds, and saw a few very up close - could almost touch a few. We heard Kingfishers. We saw these white birds (Fridgite Terns I think) flying around together with this weird call sort of like a muted sonar. We also saw another bird with some really pretty tail feathers that it fanned out whenever it landed. Whether it was trying to intimidate us or attract a mate, I really don't know.

There were also some very cool swarms of insects. I know. You're asking, "Cool swarms of insects?" They seemed to be two types, sometimes swarming in the same area, and sometimes distinctly separate. One was a type of moth that, when they landed, were on the branches so thickly that they visibly weighed them down. Both types were swarming so thickly that you could hear the sounds of them hitting the leaves in the foliage so much that it sounded like a light rain storm. The other was something very gnat-like. You definitely needed to keep your mouth shut when going through the areas. You wanted to keep your eyes shut, but you wouldn't be able to go through very fast then. They also sensed our passing, and got very active and agitated. Since Steve was taking up the rear, they were especially thick.

Steve managed to get stung on the ear by a wasp while we were passing some nests on the trail. No big deal. A red mark, but not even any swelling. Just a little bit of an irritating prick and a burn for a short time.

The trail went through a serious rain forest. Lots of cool trees. Many of them were growing with buttressed roots, large root clusters, and in some cases, roots that fanned out like legs to keep the tree trunk out of the rot of the soil. Also, there were the occasional mango, noni, and pandanas trees. There were also scarlet ivy gourd plants and some cool looking hard red seeds with black caps. I've now exhausted the limits of both mine and Dave's knowledge of rain forest foliage.

All in all, it's a great trail. Steve and I will probably tackle it by ourselves next Friday.


Moving but only across island

We are moving as the area we live in is getting very ghetto. The kids across the street are a very bad influence on our children so we have decided to move. We move on Wednesday. This is another reason we might stay longer our new place will be almost twice what we pay now but much nicer and no slums. I guess we are paying more because we know our neighbors will be professionals like ourselves. So who knows we might stay or might leave it is all up in the air. I contacted the position in Taiwan to see if I might be able to start in August no word back on that one yet. Again we do not know what we are going to do.

We did the move every year for 8 or 9 years but it included switching between 5 countries and 10 cities. Since we have been married we lived in the hills on Camiguin,Philippines at the ocean, at Tita's parents house for a month, in Keelung Taiwan, in Taichung Taiwan, At my my parents house for a month, on Campus at Columbia, in Queens NYC, In Ferndale, in the Marshall Islands for a school year and here for 4 years (almost)

Actually I thought about it and this is the longest I have lived in any place since I was 18! Even at the frat I moved every year sometimes twice a year.
