This is a journal of David, Cristita, Andrew and Ashley Rumptz we have lived all over the world.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Long Time comming

First I am planing to dig out all of my old stuff from last year and post it. I know this is kind of silly but I am gonna do it just to have it one place on the web.

Next my psot ofr today..
As always my ideas about life are in flux between doing a radical change or staying put I usually opt for the radical change.But I do not know this time as there is TIta and the kids (older now) to consider.

As far as us being around here or not I doubt we can afford to leave the island we are living pretty. I would have a hard time finding any place that we could do this well. Also I heard form one of the guys who is married to another Filipino that it can take up to 3 years for the paperwork to clear. Sometimes it can take up to 10. So I d o not see us leaving for a while. But at the same time I have heard you can make as much money at some of these international schools and they pay your housing. But them it is a matter of them hiring us because they would have to cover for Andrew and Ashley at that school. This is also part of the reason I would consider going to the Public Schools as it would be good to get more Kind to 12 teaching exp. So they would consider hiring me and Tita.

On a positive note the money we make her is great. As I had mentioned this is one of the few places in the states where you can live well off a teachers salary. I am really in flux on this whole moving thing. I guess work has calmed down some.

I should know for sure in abbot a week what is going on with the Faculty Senate. The election for Faculty Senate is on Friday and then I would like to meet the new group so we can decided on the leadership. So I figure it will be a week or two before I know what is going on.

I am still not sure if I want to do the Faculty Senate President next year. I have very mixed feelings about it all. I want my life back and I have done a good job of setting limits this semester but I need support for the next Faculty Senate if I am going to continue as Faculty Senate President. I can do much but not EVERYTHING. I also need to exercise and take care of my family. I cannot be a smoking bitchy parent who never had time to do his homework teacher running like crazy like last semester. I believe the UN Human Rights convention will back me up on this. So I can see myself limping on for a few weeks until I get the results of the election. It really depends on who will be in the next senate who knows I might not even be in it. I know there are a lot for and against me.

As far as leaving NMC I am not sure on that either. It would be hard as I like being able to make my own schedule but if the guy at the High School is correct that you do get 2 hour breaks in the day and you can leave campus it might work better for me as I could go swim then. Also the whole making more money part is appealing. But I this a balance of the freedom of the college and the restrictions of PSS. I am going ot talk to come people at PSS and think about it. But I know myself I might just end up staying at the college.

It is a strange time for me I really want to leave island but I want to stay almost as much. As I have said Again and Again, there is no way we can do anything until we have Tita squared away.


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