This is a journal of David, Cristita, Andrew and Ashley Rumptz we have lived all over the world.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Death in the Family

We went off to a local resort with several pools and slides for a Birthday party of sorts for me as we had gone away for my actual birthday and the rest of the family was either at work or school on the day in question. Well when we had gotten home we found that the chicks that we had bought for Ashley had ended up being in the sun for an extend period of time and hence had expired.
I feel bad as Ashley was very heart struck by the loss and this is the third (maybe forth) time that we had lost pets we had bought for Ashley. The first pet we bought back in 2008 on our vacation her int eh Philippines. It was a turtle and it was doing well and was still alive just before we got here in the Philippines. The story is that someone had tossed a rock which broke the aquarium that the turtle had been living in. Then they let the turtle roam the yard but it was lost in action before we arrived. No one is sure if he is alive or dead but no one knows where he is. This was not a tumultuous event for Ashley but she was a bit sad.

In Al Ain we had bought Ashley a hamster for her birthday. It was a very cute and very small hamster so it was no surprise to me that it passed away. Ashley was crushed by this and even wrote a very sad poem to the lost pet. I decided to buy her another hamster, this time we went to the market instead of the shady pet store in the mall. I made sure Ashley chose a pet that was large and lively at the store taking her time to choose. Unfortunately this hamster also passed away and Ashley was again crushed. I decided that we would not get a good pet hamster in Al Ain and told her no more pets because of the pain it was causing her.

When we got to the Philippines we agreed to buy her two pet chicks. They were cute and as her cousin Ghen had risen one to a nice almost adult age (she is still alive) we decided it would work. Granted we were quite certain that they would not be alive by the time we got back. Anyway when we got home today from the resort they chicks had passed. Ashley was crushed and cried for a while about it. Andrew was even a bit upset by the loss.

We have decided to forgo any more pets until we either get a place big enough for a dog or we find a more indestructible pet.

Luckily Andrew was able to get Ashley in good spirits again by goofing off with her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AAw Ashley - no worries.. look on the bright side... perhaps you can get a different pet in the future now... how about a reptile?

Cheer up - love Jane (Nellie)