This is a journal of David, Cristita, Andrew and Ashley Rumptz we have lived all over the world.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Mark’s Eulogy

Of all the times that make up a life I think that the time Mark’s family and mine spent in cabins on a lake was the most telling of who mark Rumptz was as an individual.

It was a time a time of simple pleasure. We did not force the issue we just were brothers. There never was an awkward moment , we just did what was natural. We fished, ate, drank and sat around the fire. We talked but not unnecessarily so, we just were.

Mark was like that lake, stubborn and determined to preserver no matter what hardships he might come his way.

Mark was like that lake. It was a hidden lake , and though he did not let many in once in he held on tenaciously doing all he could to help, with out ever asking for a return. He was like a hidden cover that protects you from a storm.

Mark was like that lake natural. Not pompous , though he might have a right to be. Not overtly bookish, thought he certainly was well read. No with Mark he was natural and honest not needing to be anything but who and what he was .

Ironically we were to return to those cabins by that lake this summer. And though we may retune it will never be the same without Mark.