This is a journal of David, Cristita, Andrew and Ashley Rumptz we have lived all over the world.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Kids off to Michigan 2010

The kids got off fine last night. Funny side story everyone through Tita was one of my kids. At the check in counter they asked if all 3 kids were going unaccompanied. When we went to the special assistance waiting room they asked if Tita or Ashley was the child flying. It was all a big hoot and Ttia really got a kick out of it.
since one one in my family bothered to tell me what was going on I called and found out that they have been playing in my brother's neighborhood / back yard all day long. When I asked my sister-in-law she had said she asked Andrew if he would get in touch with me to tell me he was safe and he said " I write them on Sunday." That is almost 4 days after they landed. Good thing I called. Also to tell the truth they did it last year and there were no problems so I kind of figured the same would be the case this year as well.

On to the trip to the Airport.... We took the Metro to the airport it was nice. Dubai built an above ground light rail system "The Metro". We took the "Gold class" which meant that the seats were padded.  It was a fun but not to dissimilar to a subway ride in NYC.

We stayed in a new place in Dubai all skyscrapers of housing units it was very impressive. We even took a wrong turn and ended on one of the man made islands in the ocean off of Dubai -The Palm Jumeirah. It was very impressive hard to believe that it was all just ocean and the housing skyscrapers are huge and you cannot see the ocean for all the buildings.

It was like we were in a different country. After we dropped the kids off we walked around a bit to see the sites lots of shops on ground floor and there is a walkway between the skyscrapers on the 3rd level. It was all connected so you walked from one building to the next with out having to go down to the next level. Again very impressive. This morning we are at one of the Starbucks and then walked around some more before heading off to home. We had a good time but it was too hot to really explore we are planning on going again during the winter when it is cooler and we can explore more.

As this is supposed to be our last year at the University we are going to take more time to explore as we don't know if or when we will be back in this country.

On that note we are not sure what our next move will be. We saw a news report on Al Jazeera about all of the school closings in Detroit MI. Also I have the problem of being an ESL teacher who is not bilingual in either Spanish or Arabic. In Michigan they don't have true ESL teaching jobs they are really bilingual jobs. We have a year to sort this all out and will try to find a job. It does not matter where at this point.

On to some good news we are looking to expand our property holdings and this will help us generate some needed income next year and into the future.